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Looks like a commercial for THE GAP or OLD NAVY

Who is responsible for this background? Its super, buddy...

Honestly, this is a blog about manufactured homes. I think.

Monday, March 31, 2008

more fun with my son

I must have been carrying on quite a bit with my son on Saturday. This is like the third blog where I carried on some kind of dialogue with him. Well, he was just standing over me. You know how kids do that with no sense that they're making someone uncomfortable by standing there watching every word being written on the page. He was bored. Next week we need to give him more work! OK, again missing the point. Manufactured homes are the best. If you were a smart person, you'd be trying to buy a manufactured home from me right now. But instead, you're off doing God knows what. Now, get in gear and head to I-17 & Deer Valley. No, not Bliss Show Club. No, not Castle Boutique either... Black Hawk Homes! The home of manufactured homes on Deer Valley Rd.

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