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Looks like a commercial for THE GAP or OLD NAVY

Who is responsible for this background? Its super, buddy...

Honestly, this is a blog about manufactured homes. I think.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

manufacturing blogs

These days I'm creating more blogs than anything else! Forget about manufactuing homes, lets manufacture blogs! I never realized the popularity of blogging until recently. Here's a good business idea- blog FOR customers. Just as I'm doing right now for our company, do it for others- for money! Idunno. Probably wouldn't fly... What do you think, Ted?

Everybody- Ted.
Ted- Everybody.

Ted is the web-master and all around tech stud for Black Hawk Homes. He is the creator, the author of our new web site. Ted, the alpha and the omega of computer genius! Good job, dude.
What the hell is guugl? Why can't they be sued for that? Unbelievable. Mambo #5

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